About me
Passion never dies.
give It room and
let it grow.
Stay Hungry and Strong
Hi, I’m Rick Taal. I love expressing my creativity and solving problems. Ever since I was a young man, I had my little sketchbook or notepad with me. I love graffiti, been obsessed with it. I remember driving in the car with my mom and dad and watching all the colorful pieces along the highways. Furthermore, I can definitely say this sparked my creativity.
My education had its ups and downs. But I developed myself a lot. Both technique and concept wise. I’m still focusing on new unexplored facets that may elevate my art to a new level. Next to learning art myself I enjoy helping others with understanding certain concepts that they fail to grasp. And this comes back to my interest for solving difficulties. It gives me great satisfaction when I can make something complex seem logic and easy to pick up for others. Like a derivative of an analogy.
I aim to keep having fun with my art. Do what I like and love. This is what drives me and hopefully puts a smile on your face. Thanks for sticking with me. Have a great one!